We had a meeting last night for the priesthood leadership for the Timpanogos temple district, getting them fired up and ready to go with new.familysearch. The meeting house was a stake center, and we were filled to the rim. They had seats on the stage, the entire cultural hall filled, and people standing around the edges. I don't know the count. Man, was it hot in there! Muggy, and with one annoying fly visiting every guest personally.
The way to make Family History work in your ward is to talk about it during PEC meeting (Bishops).
We are doing this work to save our brothers and sisters from spirit prison.
Whether you are converting someone, reactivating a member, or redeeming your dead, it is all the SAME work.
AND the coup de' grace!! 15 stakes in the temple district are rolling out on Monday (Alas, I don't think we're one of them). The following Monday, at least 15 more will rollout, and this is what they said, "I don't know if we'll have enough ready stakes to meet the minimum of fifteen, so we'll add more." When it came to Q&A, I stood up (I was in like the fourth to last row in the gym) and sought clarification. "You said that you'd be choosing some other stakes to get up to 15. Does that mean that the entire temple district will eventually be added, whether they're ready or not?" They confirmed that this is the case. They said that they just finished rolling out the Provo temple district this past Monday (two days ago), and it took three weeks to do that whole district.
So....I'm thinking we'll all have access before the end of October. Pretty cool news, donchathink?
1st QT Sunday Schedule
13 years ago
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